Last days of mankind

The best argument I have heard for voting at all, in the USA election — and thus voting for Trump — is that he has promised to leave Catholics alone (and by extension other Christians, and maybe even Jews, and other business-minding, law-abiding types). Therefore my gentle American readers can plead self-defence, and perhaps need not run to the Confessional (after pulling the lever for the Republican slate, and checking that the machine wasn’t supplied by George Soros).

On the other hand, the Catholics who vote for Clinton, after all that she has said and done, and what has been revealed about the machinations of Podesta and the others in her train, may not need to run to the Confessional, either. Rather they might prioritize getting their heads examined. For they propose to support an agenda that is unambiguously and aggressively evil. (More here.) Surely they cannot intend that.

If Trump wins, it will seem like the end of the world. The media will present it with the opposite of the glee with which they welcomed the triumph of Obama. But while this is an encouragement to vote for Trump, it is not decisive.

We should not allow ourselves to be swayed by these devils one way or the other. Bear in mind that the opposite of what they say is not always true. Much of their criticism of Trump is quite reasonable.

Since before the Declaration of Independence (i.e. going back to the Continental Congress), candidates for all parties have presented each election as “the most important in our lives.” This is nonsense, however. Whichever is elected, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride on. There isn’t one of those presidential candidates I’d feel comfortable voting for, were I a citizen of those USA.

Except possibly Calvin Coolidge. He left everyone alone.