
“Two weeks to flatten the curve,” would be a good motto, for the truckers who now occupy Ottawa. This could be reviewed after two or three years. Meanwhile, there are provincial capitals to occupy.

A beloved priest, who describes himself as a “romantic distributist and promoter of localism,” has been romantically distributing an inspiring essay by the theology professor, Douglas Farrow of McGill, on Substack. It is an elegant tribute to truckers and the freedom convoy. Shockingly, the much-denounced Father Farrow does not seem to be an enthusiast for same-sex marriage, either. Someone must have read his book, Nation of Bastards, which I hereby recommend.

He, he, and I are among the “small fringe minority with unacceptable views,” up here in the True North Strong and Free. But when you add a professor of ancient languages I know, with numerous children, and some Sikhs I watched on YouTube in Vancouver, waving “Fuck Jagmeet” signs, you may see that the Liberal majority is crumbling.

Of course, the Mayor of Ottawa, a Liberal shill, began telling the protesters to, “Go home, you’ve made your point!” as they were arriving. The CBC, and the other Official broadcasting networks, filled their newscasts with rumours that truck drivers had displayed ill breeding in Ottawa food courts and malls, and had “desecrated” the Terry Fox statue on Parliament Hill, by leaning a cardboard anti-mandate placard against it. Oh my, oh my! They were also flying the Canadian flag upside down, my God! One star commentator on CBC speculated that the Russians had instigated the whole thing.

In Parliament, and in the remote location where the Trudeau boy was holed up with his family, we heard more of these CBC-quality responses. Our ruling class is turning up the lies and the sleaze and the hoaxes, to seize the high ground, in their usual way. But the polls suggest a change in Canadian public opinion: from the world’s most complacent, compliant, and brain-dead citizenry, to lockdown opponents.

Public opinion is transient. Watch it dissolve!